Mar 192012

[The writer of the following article clearly doesn’t appreciate the upside of infanticide and euthanasia!  He would have thousands of abortion clinics close, its angels of tiny murders go unemployed.  And if abortions ceased in Canada, the extra 110,000 citizens per year would go into direct competition with the 280,000 needy immigrants we accept into our welcoming arms each year!]


Paul Tuns
The Interm

“Once human life is devalued at its core, a chain of devaluation begins that travels outward from the source and cheapens all life. This chain is not visible in any single person’s decision. From legalized abortion to child abuse and infanticide, to convenience killing of the disabled, to passive euthanasia, to active euthanasia, to state funding and promotion of all of these – there is no moral stopping point.”
– William Gairdner, The War Against the Family

For about 40 years, Canada has been the laboratory for an awful social experiment. Beginning with contraception (1967) and divorce (1968), Canadian society has become a culture, coarsened by narcisicm and nihilism; these, in turn, have led us to abortion (1969) and euthanasia (2005?). Canada has become a culture, corrupted by death. But in order to reverse these deleterious social trends, one must first understand them.

Read the full article here…

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