Apr 022012

[Bean counters.  They’re the worst!  Yes, things cost money.  The CBC needs our tax dollars to continue to provide vacuous drivel to keep us distracted.  They deserve it!  Would these bean counters rather we all turn off our TVs and take to the streets for our entertainment?  How prehistoric!  Bean counters.  Ugh.]


Your tax dollars at work waste!

The 100% state-owned, socialism-reliant CBC has spent about…


Apr 022012

[Whine, whine, whine…  These greedy SOBs think it’s all about money.  When will they wake up and smell the sweet after-aroma of indiscriminate sex?  So what if you get AIDS – everyone dies; you might as well enjoy your life to the hilt until then.  And so what if it costs millions of dollars to have AIDS?  You don’t have to pay – the government pays for it, which means every taxpayer in Canada chips in for your medical bills.  Just do it!]


November 24, 2011, Ottawa, ON. The Canadian AIDS Society has released a report today that indicates that the economic impact of 3,070 new HIV infections in 2009 has a lifetime cost of $4,031,500,000, approximately 22% higher than previously estimated.

November 24th marks the beginning of Canadian HIV/AIDS Awareness Week and the release of this report – The Economic Cost of HIV/AIDS in Canada, written by JoAnn Kingston-Riechers, PhD, from the Institute of Health Economics and the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Alberta – should serve as a sobering reminder of the impact of approximately 3,070 new HIV infections in Canada each year. The report focusses on the costs of treatment and the costs associated with loss of productivity for lost work hours throughout the lifetime of those recently infected individuals (as of 2009).

Read all about it here…


Mar 242012

[For pity sake, it’s the old “Big Brother” scare again!  Isn’t there a warm-fuzzy organization called “Big Brothers” that provides guidance and example to youngsters?  Why is the government treated so differently?  They only want to protect us.  So what if they take away every last shred of your privacy?  If you have nothing to hide, you certainly don’t need privacy!]


by Michael Geist
Law professor, columnist, author

Over the past few days, I’ve posted on some of the implications of Bill C-30, including the mandatory disclosure of subscriber information, the “voluntary” warrantless disclosure of e-mails and web surfing habits, and the stunning lack of detail on a wide range of issues including costs and surveillance capabilities.

While the bill includes some detail on surveillance capability requirements, perhaps the most dangerous provision is Section 14, which gives the government a stunning array of powers:

  • to order an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or telecom provider to install surveillance capabilities “in a manner and within a time” specified by the government to order an ISP or telecom provider to install additional equipment to allow for more simultaneous interceptions than is otherwise specified in the law (the government sets a maximum and then can simply ignore its own guidelines)

Read it here – they’ll know you read it, but what can you do?

Mar 232012

[Enabling is vastly underrated.  For instance, Vulture Guard found the following article on the web.  It whines about how promiscuous sexual activity (mostly of the male homosexual variety) is costing thousands of lives and billions of taxpayer dollars, when a re-focus on responsible behaviour would benefit all gays and all taxpayers.  My friends, this would only slow down our desired goal of Canada’s demise.  Please enable promiscuity!  It’s for Canada’s own good!]


Medical researchers have known for many years that the “homosexual lifestyle” is a very disease-ridden lifestyle. (The fact that the dominant liberal media are downplaying and/or ignoring and/or censoring the following crucial information should give you a clue as to just how biased, untrustworthy, corrupt, and potentially detrimental they can be.)

For example, one 1982 study mentioned in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the anal cancer rate for homosexuals is way above normal, maybe as high as 50 times normal.1 And a 1997 New England Journal of Medicine study again drew attention to the “strong association between anal cancer and male homosexual contact.”2 (The reason for the connection is that the lining of the anus, as opposed to the much thicker lining of the vagina, is only a single cell in thickness, tears easily, and thus is an easy point of entry for viruses and bacteria. Just as repeatedly assaulting lung tissue with cigarette smoke increases one’s lung cancer risk, repeatedly damaging the anus and rectum increases one’s anal cancer risk. Anal sex frequently results in damage to the anus and rectum. Too, this helps explain why AIDS is spread so easily in the homosexual community. However, even when there are not any tears in the anal lining, there is still a high risk for HIV infection because certain cells in its mucous lining [M-cells and Langerhans cells] can be infected and will then carry HIV deeper into one’s body.)

If you think footnoted stats are at all relevant, see the entire article here…

Mar 222012

[There’s always a killjoy in the crowd, somebody who has to point out the truth just to ruin the fun.  You know, like telling how a magic trick was done.  In this case, the reverse-hate tactic used so effectively by gay sex activists has been eloquently exposed.  If this news spreads, it could actually stiffen enough jellied spines that the gay agenda may suffer a serious setback.  The horror…]


Marketing the ‘Hate’ Brand
The Gaying of America
by Linda Harvey

There is one way you can get away with slander, libel, bullying and abuse in America today: Become a self-appointed leftist arbiter of “hate.” Identify your chosen targets to feature in your new “Hate” brand, and then let the attack dogs loose. I mean, it’s OK to hate “haters,” right?

Homosexual activists and their allies have become quite skilled at marketing the Hate brand. Jeers, vulgarities and name-calling are only the beginning. The goal is to keep their easy-to-manipulate followers simmering in a bitter stew of misinformation and sexual entitlement, and then unleash their power in focused humiliation/intimidation campaigns.

The Hate label has been affixed to an array of conservative luminaries recently. The newest enemies list of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD, is a who’s-who of respected leaders and journalists: Chuck Colson, Robert George, Joseph Farah, Albert Mohler, Don Wildmon and Tony Perkins are just a few of the names. GLAAD has decided that Hate is the shameful badge these folks must now wear. Isn’t this what used to be called “shunning”?

And then the legal arm of Hate brand management just lobbed a grenade at pro-family lawyer and pastor Dr. Scott Lively. A Uganda homosexual pressure group deployed a law firm with ties to George Soros to sue Lively in a U.S. federal court for “crimes against humanity.” The claims are trumped up using the Alien Tort Statute, but Scott must mount a defense anyway.

Read the entire article here…

Mar 192012

[What self-respecting country doesn’t have its own holocaust to deal with?  The fact that Canada’s holocaust of its aboriginal people continues to this day is a testament to the true nature of this country’s occupiers and their leaders.]


Preamble: Who are We and What Can We Become?

The time has come to end our complicity in mass murder.

Our exposure of the Canadian genocide has simultaneously indicted the social order that gave rise to it. Euro-Canadian Christian society as a whole stands condemned in the dock alongside those persons who ran the Indian residential schools, sterilized and murdered children, spread smallpox, and dug mass graves.

Read all about it here…

Mar 192012

[Vulture Guard knows the importance of overcrowding, excess tax burden on workers, reduced employment opportunities for citizens, and the dilution of cultural identity.  Why, then, do some organizations like Immigration Watch Canada have to make waves by trying to slow down Canada’s inevitable decay?]


Immigration Watch Canada is an organization of Canadians who believe that immigration has to serve the interests of its own citizens. It cannot be turned into a social assistance program for other countries. It should never be a social engineering experiment that is conducted on Canadians. **

But immigration has become those 2 things.

Why? In particular, why has Canada’s 250,000 per year immigration intake remained in place for 20 years?

The answer is that all of Canada’s major political parties have adopted the attitude that they know what is best for Canadians and that Canadians do not have to be consulted when major decisions are made.

See their hysterical website here…

Mar 192012

[The writer of the following article clearly doesn’t appreciate the upside of infanticide and euthanasia!  He would have thousands of abortion clinics close, its angels of tiny murders go unemployed.  And if abortions ceased in Canada, the extra 110,000 citizens per year would go into direct competition with the 280,000 needy immigrants we accept into our welcoming arms each year!]


Paul Tuns
The Interm

“Once human life is devalued at its core, a chain of devaluation begins that travels outward from the source and cheapens all life. This chain is not visible in any single person’s decision. From legalized abortion to child abuse and infanticide, to convenience killing of the disabled, to passive euthanasia, to active euthanasia, to state funding and promotion of all of these – there is no moral stopping point.”
– William Gairdner, The War Against the Family

For about 40 years, Canada has been the laboratory for an awful social experiment. Beginning with contraception (1967) and divorce (1968), Canadian society has become a culture, coarsened by narcisicm and nihilism; these, in turn, have led us to abortion (1969) and euthanasia (2005?). Canada has become a culture, corrupted by death. But in order to reverse these deleterious social trends, one must first understand them.

Read the full article here…