May 262012

Be the Bully

They don’t like you anyway. Never did, never will.

Be the Esteem Vulture. You have no self esteem, so pluck it from the bones of those who do. Taunt them. Terrorize them. Belittle them. Feed off their fear of you. Feed off their hatred of you.

If caught, you will be pitied by the politically correct authorities. You will be offered counselling. You will be coddled. You will get off scott free.

And then you can start again. The system – in school, at work, in society – is to talk talk talk about the poor little victims of bullies. But nobody talks of punishing the bully. Bullies are not punished. Without bullies, the multi-billion dollar “anti-bullying” industry would shrivel up and die.

Bullies are needed. Bullies are protected.

Be the Bully.

I am General Disorder for Vulture Guard. Carrion, Canada…

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