Stay on your knees, Cowards.
Keep on praying. Canada will only survive its internal ills if people take action. Action means resistance. Action makes things difficult. Action takes effort.
Praying is easy. Praying is for the lazy, the weak. “God will answer our prayers,” you claim. And if a miracle doesn’t happen and you don’t get what you prayed for, “God’s answer was ‘No’.” The rationalization of the stupid.
God helps those who help themselves. God gave people free will. God handed down a clear set of instructions in the Bible and the Torah and the Quran.
People who only pray are Godless. They reject God’s clear directive to be soldiers for morality.
Vulture Guard likes people who pray. People who pray are lazy, weak and afraid, and will guarantee the rapid demise of Canadian culture.
Stay on your knees, cowards.
This is General Disorder for Vulture Guard. Carrion, Canada…