Mar 232012

[Enabling is vastly underrated.  For instance, Vulture Guard found the following article on the web.  It whines about how promiscuous sexual activity (mostly of the male homosexual variety) is costing thousands of lives and billions of taxpayer dollars, when a re-focus on responsible behaviour would benefit all gays and all taxpayers.  My friends, this would only slow down our desired goal of Canada’s demise.  Please enable promiscuity!  It’s for Canada’s own good!]


Medical researchers have known for many years that the “homosexual lifestyle” is a very disease-ridden lifestyle. (The fact that the dominant liberal media are downplaying and/or ignoring and/or censoring the following crucial information should give you a clue as to just how biased, untrustworthy, corrupt, and potentially detrimental they can be.)

For example, one 1982 study mentioned in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the anal cancer rate for homosexuals is way above normal, maybe as high as 50 times normal.1 And a 1997 New England Journal of Medicine study again drew attention to the “strong association between anal cancer and male homosexual contact.”2 (The reason for the connection is that the lining of the anus, as opposed to the much thicker lining of the vagina, is only a single cell in thickness, tears easily, and thus is an easy point of entry for viruses and bacteria. Just as repeatedly assaulting lung tissue with cigarette smoke increases one’s lung cancer risk, repeatedly damaging the anus and rectum increases one’s anal cancer risk. Anal sex frequently results in damage to the anus and rectum. Too, this helps explain why AIDS is spread so easily in the homosexual community. However, even when there are not any tears in the anal lining, there is still a high risk for HIV infection because certain cells in its mucous lining [M-cells and Langerhans cells] can be infected and will then carry HIV deeper into one’s body.)

If you think footnoted stats are at all relevant, see the entire article here…

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