Vultures eat dead meat.
“Ewww,” you say? Well, most of us eat dead meat, don’t we? Those who don’t are protein-deficient, and are therefore physically and mentally weaker. Vultures are strong and alert. We are smart enough to let our opponents die at the hands of themselves or others before we move in take what we want.
Canadians by and large are weak. Not because you don’t eat meat, dead or otherwise. It’s because you are complacent. You are comfortable in your lack of awareness of the horrors and inequities around you. Vultures don’t distract themselves with sports or texting or picking up their dog’s poop. We are ever-vigilant, alert and quick.
Canadians are also afraid. When you recognize a social injustice, it’s probably because said injustice has finally gotten around to biting you on your complacent ass. What do you do about it? Whine. Then you pay your fine or do your time or give up your civil liberties and keep on keeping on, mouth firmly shut lest someone in authority slaps you down again for insolence. Vultures are brave. We cannot be intimidated or shooed away.
Canadians are also lazy. If there’s actual work to do, you let someone else do it. This is how foreign nationals have taken control of most of your more difficult service industries like driving taxis, designing technology, and running the government. This is how sex activists have taken over public schools. This is how “Smart” meters will end up on every house, monitoring your every movement. Vultures are hard workers. We’re always wary of predators, and we’re always on the lookout for the latest opportunity to take advantage of the lazy.
Canadians are also selfish. You want everything provided for you, free of cost. You want to be regarded as civilized and open-minded and everybody’s friend and envied by the rest of the world. When the last of you are flopping about in your death throes, vultures will gladly share your carcass with others.
Canadians are also stupid. Your schools are designed to give you just enough – and not a whisker more – education to stumble through the rest of your pitiful lives. You never learned critical thinking. You don’t believe in double-blind tests. Vultures know everything through experience and taste.
Canadians are also gullible. Tweets are truth. Gossip is truth. Innuendo is truth. Lies are truth. You never question anything or anyone. You even believe your own lies that you are strong, brave, diligent, selfless, smart and savvy. Vultures laugh at you.
It is amazing that anyone would not want to be a vulture. You’d rather be the trembling little bunny. The prey. The victim.
The dead meat that vultures eat.